Oakley has come to our breeding program from our friends at Redtail. This girl is super smart and very athletic. She loves pointing at all squirrels and birds. And where there is a ball she is ready for the chase.
Oakley, sometimes called Annie O, was born on December 30, 2020. Annie O became a first-time mom on November 7, 2023, and raised a beautiful litter of 11 puppies. She was a great first time mom! We anticipate the same with the upcoming breeding.
Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Apply Now
Born 12/30/2020
AKC #SS23388801
OFA Hip GR-140316G25F-C-PI
OFA Eye GR-EYE27476/29F-VPI
OFA Heart GR-BCA4605/16F/C-VPI
OFA prcd-PRA/PRA1 PRA2/DM/NCL CLEAR by parentage
ICH Animal Genetics CLEAR
His call name is Fin. He is our 2024 puppy daddy.
Born September 30, 2018
AKC #SS08330701
OFA Hip GR-133267G31M-VPI
OFA Eye GR-EYE23926/33M-VPI
OFA Heart GR-BCA2407/34M/C-VPI
OFA Elbow GR-EL52858M31-VPI
OFA prcd-PRA/PRA1/PRA2/DM/NCL: Animal Genetics Clear
ICH: Animal Genetics Carrier
The GRCA provides puppy referrals as a convenience to puppy buyers to find out about breeders who are GRCA members and their litters. GRCA takes no responsibility whatsoever for any puppies/dogs that you may acquire through GRCA puppy referral. GRCA is not responsible for any breeder’s sale practices and sales contracts, nor will GRCA be involved in any manner in contract disputes between puppy buyers and breeders. Availability of puppies and conditions of sale are at the sole discretion of the individual breeder. Buyers are encouraged to read ACQUIRING A GOLDEN RETRIEVER, as found on the grca.org web-site, for general information about obtaining a puppy, to take as much time as necessary to locate a reputable breeder from whom they feel comfortable purchasing a puppy, and to investigate breeders and their puppies thoroughly before committing to a purchase. You are not obligated to purchase a puppy from the breeders whose names you obtain from GRCA puppy referral.
Are you looking to bring home a puppy in the Fall?
We are now accepting applications for our 2024 litter.
Firemark Fins to the Right "Fin"
Redtail Little Miss Sure Shot "Annie Oakley"